.All these things come through my head... lumina anemica de la ora 11, moleseala, melancolie, si totusi... prea multa lumina, prea multe ganduri. Si scaunul se invarte, mintea se invarte, incerc sa dau de ceva coerent, ceva consistent, ceva palpabil... Unde au plecat toti? Lumea s-a schimbat, eu am ramas in acelasi vid... Vidul ma iubeste, si eu la fel, ne intelegem excelent de ceva ani... suntem nedespartiti. Nu-mi displace. Incep sa aud acorduri stangace de chitara, miros de minte incinsa si de degete coclite, si apoi si mai departe vad lume zbierand, vad trupuri ce se strivesc de un gard, simt aer fierbinte si umed, un tricou alb si transpirat... e undeva acolo, intr-un vis... departe.
Good night, another bad morning...
"I wanted to be more forward thinking, I wanted to make something that had it's head in tomorrow and wasn't some museum pastiche of some fucking sixties band. It seems like everything gravitates towards that now in guitar music." (Jamie Hince)