Conform Pitchfork.com, pentru inceputul lui 2009 ar trebui sa cascam ochii si urechile pentru urmatoarele albume: - The Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion : "is a band with a very unique sound. The new album [...] is very psychedelic, but very joyfull and comutal. It's very tribal, a sort of camp fire vibe, much of improvisation, but in the same time very melodic."
- The Pains of Being Pure At Heart - The Pains of Being Pure At Heart: "are a New York indie-pop band, they're very lo-fi... What makes this thing work is the songwriting, but also the exhuberance of the vocal performances. There are equal parts of exhuberance and rejection, it's kind of depressed where it needs to be, but also very up-beat."
- Antony & The Johnsons - The Crying Light: "this guy has a very distinctive voice. When you listen to his music, you've got the sense that is very genuine, very pure."
- Wavves - Wavvves: "it's extremely lo-fi, extremely distorted, but has also a very experimental edge"
- Bon Iver - Blood Band EP: "What amazes me of this guy is that his record is so incredibly powerfull with very little accompaniament. His voice is so close to the microphone, very hushed, has a lot of acoustic guitar. This exposes the songwriting, and in this case it's incredibly good."
Descrierile au fost transcrise de mine dintr-un video pe care l-am vazut, dar n-am reusit sa il ciordesc. Ma scuzati pentru eventualele greseli.:D Din lista de mai sus, singura formatie care mi-a atras atentia si pe care mi-as dori sa o ascult e The Pains of Being Pure At Heart. Voi reveni cu informatii despre ei, in caz ca ma vor impresiona si dupa ce le ascult albumul.
Din cate mai stiu, pentru 2009 albume noi putem astepta din partea Placebo (cum era sa uit), PJ Harvey & John Parish, Echo & The Bunnymen, Sonic Youth, Depeche Mode, Deftones, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Morrissey, Royksopp, Ian Brown, A-ha, U2, Jack White & Bob Dylan si... Tokio Hotel, MCR :))))) Just kidding:P
later edit:
Si am uitat sa zic despre Arctic Monkeys (noroc de LiarLiar), care si ei vor scoate un material nou anul acesta. Imi cer oficial scuze cu ocazia asta in legatura cu porcaria pe care am scris-o acum cateva saptamani.Deci, sa fie clar la toata lumea: ARCTIC MONKEYS MAI EXISTA, SI ALEX TURNER E INCA SOLIST. Nu stiu cum am citit ce am citit de am putut treage asa o concluzie pripita. Sper ca nu v-am distrus ziua respectiva. Scuze din nou, mea culpa:D
7 comentarii:
Tokio Hotel rulz :D can't wait
si mai sunt si pearl jam si arctic monkeys, tot pe 2009
da, asa ii, iar am uitat de arctic monkeys... merit o cotonogeala zdravana:D Am reeditat:D Pearl Jam nu m-au dat pe spate niciodata, dar, da, si ei scot anul asta noutati.:D
pearl jam?
e ok,
they're only the greatest band to ever walk this planet :D
si, te-as ruga, daca crezi ca poti, sa nu ma mai iei asa in serios. :)
era ok si cu "arctic monkeys nu mai exista".
face bine la trafic, mai ales daca o scrii in engleza.
ah, si abia astept sa vad care-i faza cu jack white si bob dylan. nu auzisem de asta.
oke, oke, s-a facut, nu te mai iau in serios:P
Si faza cu jack white si bob dylan nu e ceva confirmat, e doar un zvon deocamndata. Da face bine la trafic, right?:D Ei doi au mai cantat pana acum, deci... sunt sanse sa puna de un album.
Tokio Hotel still rulz
rulz lantzu de la buda :)))
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