Am primit o leapsa tare dragutza de la Clover. Reguli:
1.Put your music player on shuffle.
2.Press forward for each question.
3.Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
4.Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5.Tag 5 people.
1. How are you feeling today?2.Press forward for each question.
3.Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
4.Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5.Tag 5 people.
Belle & The Sebastian - The Model
(da, da... azi am alergat in parc, deci... sunt pe drumul cel bun :D)
2.Will you get far in life?
Bjork - It's oh so quiet
(it's a secret, huh?)
3. How do your friends see you?
Placebo - In the cold light of morning
(fuck, m-au prins!)
4.Will you get married?
Alpinestars - NuSEX City
(is that a no or a yes?)
5.What is your best friend’s theme?
Leonard Cohen - Bird on the wire
(we all dream to be free...)
6. What is the story of your life?
Bjork - Pluto
"Excuse me/ But I just have to/ Explode/ Explode this body/ Off me
I'll be brand new/ Brand new tomorrow/ A little bit tired/ But brand new"
7. What was high school like?
Death Cab For Cutie - Title and registration
(it wasn't that sad...)
8. How can you get ahead in life?
Yves Montand - Pour faire le portrait
(adica sa fac portrete? ok... )
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Black Sabbath - I am going insane
(? probably...)
10. What is in store for this weekend?
Pj Harvey & John Parish - Taut
(damn freaky cool song!)
11. What song describes you?
Primal Scream - SKull X
(whouuu, that freaked me out!)
12. To describe your grandparents?
The Smiths - Panic
13. How is your life going?
Nat King Cole - This will make you laugh
14. What song will they play at your funeral?
PJ Harvey - Place called home
(guess it works for a funeral... Ok, done! )
15. How does the world see you?
Pink Martini - Que sera sera =))
(yeah, i dont really wanna know;P)
16. Will you have a happy life?
Placebo - One of a kind
(is that a happy life or not? :D)
17. Do people secretly lust after you?
Kent - Bianca
(yeah, baby! i love you too!)
18. How can you make yourself happy?
UNKLE - unkle main title theme
(keep on rocking? ok, somebody buy me a jag, please... :daydreaming:)
19. What should you do with your life?
Billie Holiday - Who loves you?
(love, love, love... )
(love, love, love... )
Ok, asta a iesit! Trebuie sa recunosc ca am mai facut quiz-ul asta mai demult, si a iesit mult mai funny decat acum. Dar n-am scris niciunde rezultatele:(
Vad ca acum winampul meu s-a fixat in mod curios pe PJ, Bjork si Placebo... Nu ma supar:D
4 comentarii:
Hehehe vad ca a luat amploare leapsa asta :) Multumesc mult pentru aprecierile legate de blogul meu! Si pentru comentarii! :)
da, cred ca e leapsa cea mai prezenta pe bloguri. Mai era si una cu "deschide cea mai apropiata carte la pag 123... blabla". E interesanta leapsa totusi. Sa vezi ce iti prezice winampul... E si distractiva.
Thx 4 stopping by! Si n-ai de ce sa imi multumesti. Ai un blog tare dragutz:)
Fain de tot, this prooves to me again that you have very exquisite tastes. Sunt curios ce-i cu Youthedelix, adica are you starting your own music blog? =D
Well, pot sa zic ca intr-un mod foarte ciudat au iesit numai melodii care imi plac in quizul asta, si mai ales numai artisti f cunoscuti. Eu imi pusesem toata muzica in playlist.(si e multa:D)
Si mai curios: Data trecuta cand imi facusem testul, au iesit iar 2 mel placebo, dintre care una tot "in the cold light...", la o intrebare f asemanatoare: aia cu what song describes you. Si mai ciudat, ca aia ii mel mea preferata. So... i guess winamp can read my mind:D
In legatura cu Youthedelix =)) Tre sa te dezamagesc... Nu e un nou blog:P Incercam sa imi schimb designul la magaria asta, si am vrut sa incerc altundeva prima data, sa vad cum arata, sa nu il bushesc de tot pe asta:D
That's the great mistery:P Si apoi si asta ii blog de muzica daca o iei asa... ca 90% din ce scriu e despre muzica.:P
Noh, merci de comment:)
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