28 aprilie 2009

Minuscule Hey


Din categoria The Kills, John & Jehn si alte duo-uri de rock minimalistic cu influente post-punk si cu drum-machine in dotare… au rasarit de curand Minuscule Hey

Minuscule Hey isi au originile in Bordeaux, Franta. Doi membri, bineinteles:

  • Emily, cantatoare de bass, flaut, calamina, crincrin si voce
  • Laurent,  cantator de chitara, clape, flaut, percutie, glockenspiel si voce

Printre influente ar fi: Beatles, Fiery Furnaces, Sparks, Velvet Underground, The Kills, Moldy Peaches, Radiohead.

 "What do they sound like? Imagine if Prinzhorn Dance School had both more melodies and more fun, and recruited David Byrne's deadpan lyrical delivery. Then make 'em French. It veers from the obscure art-school type 'what the fuck' to Belle and Sebastian style twee, all the while sticking well and truly to the "moins c'est plus" premise. Why are they so great? They're the first band we've EVER listened to which asks questions of why Phoebe from Friends didn't ever release 'Smelly Cat' ('Watch Out The Sillycats'), and is the type of timeless post-punk organised chaos you'll fall in love with immediately." DIY

 Au pana acum 2 ep-uri self-released: minuscule hey si bananoffee, si inca unul recent, we feel minuscule, lansat sub labelul Alienor Records. Deci 3 ep-uri.:P

 La inceput mi s-au parut cam greu digerabili, dar dupa mai multe ascultari chiar le-am prins gustul. Incercati si voi!

 Minuscule Hey- Bananoffee

Aruncati o privire si pe myspace sau pe site-ul oficial.

3 comentarii:

Ioana spunea...

L-am luat si eu sa-l ascult si pana acum am avut timp doar de o melodie. Una singura, dar mi-a placut cum suna :d

Susana spunea...

Ma bucur ca i-ai ascultat si ca ti-au mai si placut:D

Susana spunea...

oau, nu ma asteptam la asa reactii pozitive... ma simt multumita de mine:P